
cpran install [options] [arguments]


Equivalent in spirit to apt-get install, this command checks the dependencies of the specified plugins, schedules the installation of plugins needed or requested, downloads them from the server, tests them, and finally installs them.

Currently, no testing is done, and installation works sometimes in Windows.

Arguments to install must be at least one and optionally more plugin names. Plugin names can be appended with a specific version number to request for versioned installation, but this is not currently implemented. When it is, names will likely be of the form name-1.0.0.


# Install some plugins
cpran install myplugin someplugin
# Install a specific version of a plugin (not implemented)
cpran install someplugin-0.5.3
# Re-install an installed plugin
cpran install --force
# Do not ask for confirmation
cpran install --force -y


--yes -y

Assumes yes for all questions.


Tries to work around problems. For example, if an installed plugin is requested for installation, it re-installs it instead of refusing. When tests are enabled, –force should allow for installation regardless of test outcomes.


Print debug messages.



Rebuild the plugin list. This method is just a wrapper around update, used for re-creating the list when CPrAN is used to install itself.


Downloads a plugin’s tarball from the server. Returns the name of the tarball on disk.


Extract the downloaded tarball.


Praat uses a rather clumsy method to identify plugins: it looks for directories in the preferences directory whose name begins with the strnig plugin_. However, this is conceptually not part of the name.

Since user’s might be tempted to include it in the name of the plugin, we remove it, and issue a warning to slowly teach them to Do The Right Thing™.

The method takes the reference to a list of plugin names, and returns a reference to the same list, without the prefix.

See also