This plugin provides commands and procedures to make it easier to perform some basic TextGrid tasks:

  • Count points in range
  • Find labels from beginning or end
  • Equalize tier durations
  • Explode TextGrid intervals
  • Move boundaries to zero-crossings
  • Find non-overlapping intervals
  • Save as Audacity labels
  • Index all labels in a TextGrid


Count points in range: tier, start, end

Given a point tier, this script counts the number of points within a given time range, specified by the start and end arguments. The result is printed to the Info window.

This script internally calls the @countPointsInRange procedure.

Explode TextGrid: tier, preserve

Using the intervals in the specified interval tier, this script splits the current TextGrid into interval-sized smaller parts. The second argument (a boolean value) determines whether the resulting fragments will preserve the time stamps of the original TextGrid or not.

If the script is run with a TextGrid and a Sound object selected, the Sound object will also be split along the interval boundaries in the specified tier.

The resuting objects will be selected.

Extract labels: tier, padding, preserve, search$, regex, replace

Similar to commands like Extract intervals where…, this script is intended to be run on combinations of TextGrid and Sound objects, to extract fragments of the Sound objects that correspond to specific intervals in the TextGrid object.

However, the standard commands simply rename the extracted Sounds with the name of the corresponding interval, which often will result in a possibly large number of Sound objects with the same name. To prevent confusions, this script attempts to number each segment so that each occurence of the same label will be uniquely identifiable. This counting extends across selected objects, such that multiple instances of intervals with the same label across various Sound objects will all be numbered sequentially.

The extracted intervals will be those in the tier specified by the tier argument whose labels match the search$ query (which may be a regular expression, in which case the value of regex should be set to true). The resulting Sound objects will preserve the time stamps of the original Sound if the preserve argument has been set to true.

Additionally, the script provides methods to fine-tune the conversion between the interval labels and the object names, since Praat object names only accept a limited set of characters, which are often insufficient to accurately represent the labels in a TextGrid object.

This is controlled by the replace argument, which can have one of three possible values:

  • Make no replacements, in which case no replacements are made;

  • Use script replacements, to use the pre-defined conversions in the script (or any that may have been added in the @replaceCharacters internal procedure);

  • Use external definition, which uses an external CSV file with two columns and no headers, in which the string literals in the first column will be replaced by the strings in the second.

Find label from start: tier, target$, start

Searches through the labels in a given tier (either an interval or a point tier) in the selected TextGrid, and provides the index of the first occurrence of target$ after the item whose index matches that in the start argument. A negative value will be counted from the end (the -1 interval is the last one).

The result will be printed to the Info window. If no label is found, the result will be 0.

Find label from end: tier, target$, start

Similar to Find label from start…, this script will perform a label search in the selected TextGrid. However, the search in this case will find the first label before the index specified in the start argument. Like in the other script, a negative value will be counted from the end (the -1 interval is the last one).

The result will be printed to the Info window. If no label is found, the result will be 0.

Find label: tier, target$, direction, start

This script searches through the labels in a TextGrid tier (which may be an interval or point tier), looking for the first occurrence of the label specified as target$. The search will begin from the item whose index matches the start argument, and move forwards or backwards depending on the value of the direction argument (which may be "Forwards" or "Backwards").

The result will be printed to the Info window. If no label is found, the result will be 0.

Get tier by name: name$

Prints the index of the first tier in the selected TextGrid whose name matches that stated by name$. The result will be printed to the Info window. If no tier is found, the result will be 0.

Index specified labels: tier, target$, regex

Calling Find label… internally, this script generates a Table object with a list of all the intervals or points in the tier specified by tier that match the target$ string. This string can be a regular expression, in which case the value of the regex argument must be set to true.

The index column in the resulting table will hold the index of the matching interval or point in the original tier, while the label column will have the matching label. Timing information for points will be stored in a single time column, while intervals will use a start and an end column.

If no matching labels are found, an empty Table is returned.

Make tier times equal

This command makes sure the tiers in each of the selected TextGrid objects have tiers the same duration. This command should not be necessary under normal conditions, but TextGrid objects that are generated as the combination of multiple independent tiers can sometimes introduce these differences, and there is no way in the standard toolkit to check or fix this situation. That’s the void this command fills.

Upon execution, this command makes all tiers have the duration of the longest tier. This command has no effect if the tiers already have the same length.

Move to zero-crossings: tier, maximum, points

Executed with a selected Sound and TextGrid object, this command moves the boundaries in the tier specified by the tier argument to the nearest zero-crossing in the Sound object (the point in time at which the wave crosses the zero line). If the value in tier is zero, all tiers will be c onsidered.

The value in the maximum argument can be used to limit the magnitude of this time shift, such that no boundaries will be shifted by more than the specified number of milliseconds. A value of zero means no limit.

If the specified tier is a point tier (instead of an interval tier) the command will have no effect unless the points argument is set to true (ie, is not 0). The rationale behind this safeguard is that points are normally meant to mark specific points in time, and are not often required to match zero-crossings.

To non-overlapping intervals

Executed on a TextGrid object, this command generates a new TextGrid object with a single interval tier, generated as if all the interval tiers in the original object had been flattened into one. Two overlapping labeled intervals (in different tiers) of the original object will produce three intervals in the new object: one for the intersection, and one for the part of each original interval that did not overlap.

The intervals in the new object will be labeled according to whether or not they correspond to the intersection of two or more labeled intervals in the original object: if they are not, their label will be the number of the original tier they were from; if they are, they will be labeled with a 0.

Original TextGrid

|        |                   |                   |
|        |        A          |                   | Alice
|                    |                    |      |
|                    |          B         |      | Bob

New TextGrid

|        |           |       |            |      |
|        |     1     |   0   |     2      |      | overlaps

This is particularly useful when the TextGrid stores the multiple turns in an interaction, with the utterances of each speaker in a different tier (a common enough setup). This command can help identify the fragments of the interaction in which each speaker is speaking on their own.

TextGrid tier to Audacity label track: tier, path$, info

Executed on a TextGrid object, this command converts the specified tier into a file in the format used by Audacity to store labels. Audacity labels are represented within Audacity as a single track, which fulfills a similar role to the tiers in a TextGrid. This is why only a single tier can be converted at any one time. To convert an entire TextGrid with multiple tiers, the command will have to be run independently on each.

If the value in the info argument is set to true (ie, has a non-zero value), the label file will be printed to the Info screen (or to STDOUT if running in non-interactive mode), and the value of the path$ argument will be ignored Otherwise, the path$ argument will be used to specify where the label is to be saved.

If multiple TextGrid objects are selected when the command was run, the value in path$ is expected to be a directory, where the multiple labels will be saved. If a single TextGrid object was selected, the path$ will specify the target file where the label is to be saved.

Batch scripts

These scripts are only available when the vieweach plugin is installed.

Make tier times equal: from$, to$

Equalise the duration of tiers in all TextGrid objects in the path specified in from$, and save the equalised TextGrids to the path in to$. This command calls Make tier times equal internally.

Move to zero-crossings: sound$, textgrid$, output$, tier, maximum, points

Similar to the Move to zero crossings… command, this command will read the TextGrid files in the path in textgrid$ and the Sound files in the path in sound$ and adjust the position of the boundaries. The resulting TextGrids will be saved to the directory specified in output$.

TextGrids in directory to Audacity labels: path$, tier, info

This command will read all the TextGrid files in the path specified in path$ and convert the tiers specified in tier to Audacity labels. They will either be saved as independent files in the source directory, or if the value in info is set to true, printed to the Info window (or STDOUT if in a non-interactive session).



countPointsInRange: tier, start, end

Given a tier number, and a time range with the start and end arguments, this procedure counts the number of points that exist in that tier within that time range.


Procedures defined in this file make it possible to look for specific labels (for either points or intervals) in the entire TextGrid, or from a given time point forwards or backwards.

By default, the target strings to match are interpreted as regular expressions, for added versatility. This can be disabled by setting the global variable find_label.regex to false (ie, 0), which will make the target strings become string literals. Setting this to a non-zero value reverts this change.

findLabel: tier, target$

Looks for the first point or interval in the tier specified in the tier argument whose label matches the one specified in target$. This procedure starts at the first element in the TextGrid, and continues forward until one is found.

The index of the found element is stored in the .return internal variable. If no matching element was found, this variable will be set to 0.

findNthLabel: tier, target$, index

Similar to @findLabel, this procedure looks for intervals or points in the specified tier whose labels match the target$. However, instead of stopping at the first matching element, it will continue until it has found as many matching labels as were specified in the index argument.

Calling this procedure with an index of 1 is the same as calling @findLabel. Calling it with an index of 0 returns an undefined value.

The index of the found element is stored in the .return internal variable. If no matching element was found, this variable will be set to 0.

findLabelAhead: tier, target$, from

Similar to @findLabel, this procedure looks for intervals or points in the specified tier whose labels match the target$. However, instead of starting at the first element in the TextGrid, it starts at the element whose index matches the one specified in the from argument.

The index of the found element is stored in the .return internal variable. If no matching element was found, this variable will be set to 0.

findLabelBehind: tier, target$, from

Similar to @findLabel, this procedure looks for intervals or points in the specified tier whose labels match the target$. However, instead of searching forward from the first element to the last, it starts at the element whose index matches the one specified in the from argument, and searches backwards.

The index of the found element is stored in the .return internal variable. If no matching element was found, this variable will be set to 0.


getTierByName: target$

Given a string in the target$ argument, this procedure looks for a tier in the selected TextGrid whose names matches that string. In Praat, multiple TextGrid tiers can have the same name. If that is the case, this procedure returns the index of the first matching one.

The target string is interpreted as a string literal. The index of the found tier is stored in the .return variable. If no matching tier was found, this variable is set to 0.



Called internally by Make tier times equal…, this procedure holds the logic used by that command to equalise the tier durations.


moveToZeroCrossings: tier, maximum

Called internally by Move to zero-crossings…, this procedure holds the logic used by that command to adjust the timestamps of the desired elements.

Note that the procedure does not care whether the specified tier is an interval or a point tier. The safeguard to not move points is implemented in the command described above.


tierToAudacityLabel: tier, out$

Called internally by TextGrid tier to Audacity label track…, this procedure holds the logic used by that command to convert the specified tier to the format expected by Audacity.

The procedure will save the generated Audacity label file in the path specified in the out$ argument. If this is the empty string, the generated label will be printed to the Info window (or STDOUT if in a non-interactive session).



Called internally by To non-overlapping intervals…, this procedure holds the logic used by that command to flatten the TextGrid’s tiers.