view_each makes use of the general purpose iterator from for_each to implement a general purpose engine for making robust and highly customisable wizards for Praat. Since it uses for_each in the background, the iteration uses the same notion of sets of objects to iterate over, and also implements hooks for customisation (see procedure predefinition).

Note: as far as Praat is concerned, there is no difference between what are here called “procedures” and “hooks”. The only difference is that the latter are designed to be overwritten, while the former are designed to be used as they are, but the user is free to ignore this (at their own risk).


The name of the editor, different for every iteration. Redefined only when an editor is available.



The main iterating procedure, when called sets the wizard in motion. By the time it is called, selected objects need to be objects defining sets.


Procedure to determine whether execution is in editor mode or not.

Result is saved in .return, which is 0 if not in editor mode, -1 if in an unnumbered editor, or a positive number with the id of the object to whom the editor belongs otherwise. An additional .return$ variable stores the name of the editor (or the empty string, if not in editor mode).


Attempts to open an editor with the current combination of selected objects. By default, it tries opening the editor using the View & Edit, View and Edit commands, in that order.

To test whether an editor has been found, in_editor is called. If successful, the .return and .return$ variables from in_editor are mapped to .editor and .editor$ variables from has_editor.

_try_editor: .command$

Mainly for internal use. Attempts to open an editor for the current combination of selected objects using the command provided as argument.

To test whether an editor has been found, in_editor is called. If successful, the .return and .return$ variables from in_editor are mapped to .editor and .editor$ variables from _try_editor.

view_each.clean_exit: .message$

Called by for_each.clean_exit: .message$, allows the user to clean the workspace before exiting the iteration. Empty by default.



Called by for_each.before_iteration, before the main iteration begins.


Called by for_each.at_begin_iteration, at the beginning of each iteration.


Called during each iteration, before the editor is opened for the current selection. This procedure only gets executed if the current selection has an editor available.


Called during each iteration, immediately after the editor is open for the current selection. This procedure is guaranteed to be called in editor mode.

By default, this procedure reads the name of the current editor and saves it in$. If this procedure is to be predefined, care must be taken to define this variable elsewhere (or discard all the places where it is referenced). The procedure’s default definition is below:

procedure view_each.at_begin_editor ()
  .editor$ = Editor info$ = extractLine$(.editor$, "Editor name: ")$ = mid$($,
    ... rindex($, " "), length($))


Called after the editor has been opened, and guaranteed to be called outside editor mode.


Called after the pause, before the editor has been closed by default (although at this point it might have been closed via a predefined procedure). This procedure is guaranteed to be called in editor mode (if the editor has been closed before, then this procedure never gets called).

By default, this procedure closes the editor. Its default contents are as follows:

procedure view_each.at_end_editor ()


Called each iteration, after the editor has been closed. Guaranteed not to be in editor mode.


Called each iteration, in the case that the current selection does not have an editor.


Called by for_each.at_end_iteration, at the end of each iteration.


Called by for_each.finally, after the main loop has ended.