
All package managers need a way to bundle the package that is to be distributed. Praat already provides a convenient way to bundle sets of scripts that can be distributed: plugins. That is why CPrAN is the “plugin manager for Praat”.

Praat plugins

Praat makes very few assumptions as to what the contents of a plugin need to be. In fact, the only requirement it has is that it resides in a directory under the Praat preferences directory whose name begins with plugin_. Anything under that “plugin directory” will be considered part of the plugin.

Additionally, a file named setup.praat placed at the root of the plugin directory will be executed automatically every time Praat is run. But then again: Praat makes no assumptions as to the contents of this script, or even its existence.

These are the only requirements for a Praat plugin.

CPrAN plugins

A core principle of CPrAN is that any Praat plugin should be elligible for registration and distribution, and that plugins that are compatible with CPrAN should not depend on CPrAN to run. This means that, a their core, CPrAN plugins can only add to the requirements outlined above.

The only thing that CPrAN requires of their plugins is a plugin descriptor. A descriptor, as understood by CPrAN, is a file with metadata for the plugin including information like its name, its current version, the name of its maintainer, and a list of any requirements it might have.

This descriptor MUST be a properly formatted YAML file. You can look at a commented example of a properly formatted descriptor.

Additionally, there are three extra CPrAN features that you can make use of to improve the functionality of your plugin, and its interoperability with other plugins.

Separation between logic and interface

To make it easier for other plugins to make use of your plugin, it is recommended that you make a distinction in the scripts that you write between the logic of your scripts, and their interface.

Because of the way in which the Praat scripting language is designed, there are some things that are easier to do with procedures and some things that are easier to do with standalone scripts.

For example, procedures allow you to have access to the data they are processing, and they make it possible to redefine part of their behaviour. While having standalone scripts makes it easier to enforce a local scope for your variables, which in turn makes it easier to implement recursive algorithms.

You can make use this to your advantage, by separating the part of your scripts that common users need access to and whose only usable product is their result, from the part of your scripts that takes care of the heavy lifting behind your scripts and which might be used for other scripts.

CPrAN recommends the first to be called “scripts” (and given the traditional .praat extension), and the second to be called “procedures” (and given the .proc extension). That way your users will know that .praat files are to be used as they are, while .proc files can be included into their own work to build other things.

A common directory structure

To make it easier for users to include your procedures into their own plugins, and to bypass some of the limitations in Praat, it is recommended that all plugins have a common directory structure.

The setup.praat file (if you have any) needs to be in the plugin root, as does the plugin descriptor. But it is recommended that all your important files reside in a subdirectory under your plugin root. This will not only help you to keep things tidy, but it will also make it possible for your scripts (particularly your procedures) to be included by others, and to be included by procedures which include other procedures of their own.

Most plugins will have a scripts subdirectory with their scripts, but at the very least, try to place your procedures into a procedures subdirectory. You are free to place everything else anywhere you like.

Use automated tests

The final feature CPrAN adds is automated testing. This means that when a user installs your plugin, CPrAN can make sure that the plugin is working as expected, which will reduce the number of undetected bugs, and make it easier for you to fix bugs and your users to know that they can trust in what you wrote.

CPrAN uses the Test Anything Protocol (TAP) for testing, and looks for tests under a t subdirectory under your plugin root. By default, all files with a .t extension under that directory SHOULD be considered to be tests and run automatically by compliant CPrAN clients.

These tests are nothing fancy: they are simply Praat scripts (with a different extension) that produce TAP output. In order to make it easier for you to write these tests you can use the testsimple plugin, but you can also write it manually if you prefer.

If no t subdirectory is found, no tests will be run. CPrAN will make a note of this when your plugin is installed, but installation SHOULD proceed without problems (fingers crossed!).

Registering a plugin

There is currently no streamlined process for registering a plugin with CPrAN, but this does not mean that your plugin cannot be registered!

There are only two requirements for registration: the URL to a publicly accessible git repository, and that the repository uses semantic version tags (of the format v1.2.3 or 1.2.3).

If you don’t already have a repository for the data, then we can assist in its creation and registration. Either way, get in touch and we can take it from there.

See also