

Read JSON file: path$



read_json .json$

Read a JSON string and map its data to a set or String and Table objects representing JSON lists and objects respectively. Regardless of how many of these are created, the ID of the root object will be stored in the .return internal variable.

read_json_pair: .json$

Read a JSON pair.

read_json_value: .json$

Read a JSON value.

read_json_next: .consume, .q$, .s$

Read the next token in a string, and optionally consume it. The token can be specified either as a literal string or as a regular expression. The choice between these is done automatically by the procedure: a string is considered a regular expression pattern if it is enclosed in slashes (/) and contains at least one non-slash character in between. All other strings will be interpreted as literals.

The procedure will automatically remove any whitespace characters at the beginning of the input string.

read_json_bailout: .msg$

Cleanly abort parsing a JSON string.



Executed with a selected Table object (ideally, one prepared by @hash and populated by a procedure such as @keyval), or a Strings object (likewise prepared by @array and populated by procedures like @push), this procedure prints the contents of those objects as a JSON serialised string to the Info window (or STDOUT).

The values in those objects can be marked as the reference to another existing Table (ie. object) or Strings (ie. list) by using the @keyref procedure to append the reference as a value in a Table, or the @pushref or @unshiftref procedures to do so with lists.

Values are marked as references by being suffixed with an “ID carat”. By default, this is set to the hash character (#), but this can be changed (see below). When a value is identified as a reference, an object-specific procedure is called to handle that object: if the reference is to a “Table” object the procedure called is @table_to_json; if the object is a “PointProcess” object, the procedure called will be @pointprocess_to_json; and so on.

The procedures for Tables (hashes) and Strings (lists) are provided by this file, but the user is free to implement procedures for other objects if needed. It is recommended, however, that those procedures use the procedures in hash.proc and array.proc to populate the appropriate Table or Strings objects, and then run @write_json to print them. The @write_json procedure can be safely called recursively, to handle these cases.

For algorithmic efficiency, when a Table has multiple rows it will be treated by @write_json as a list of similar objects. This avoids the overhead involved in having to create multiple Tables with similarly named columns, and a Strings object to hold their references.

The specific formatting of the JSON output is controlled by a series of global variables. in particular:

  • json.indent$: the string to use for one level of indentation if output is not minified (defaults to tab$)
  • json.minify: if true, eliminate all non-meaningful whitespace from output
  • json.precision: the maximum precision of numeric values
  • json.undef$: the string to use for undefined values (defaults to “null” as a bare string, native to JSON)
  • json.empty_is_undef: if true, empty values are printed as null values; otherwise they are printed as empty strings
  • json.ignore_undef: if true, null values are not printed
  • json.empty_lists: if true, Tables are printed as lists, regardless of the number of rows
  • json.id_carat$: the string suffix used to identify a value as an object reference

keyref: .key$, .ref

Works in the same way as @keyval, but automatically marks the stored value as the reference to an existing object.

pushref: .ref

Works in the same way as @push, but automatically marks the stored value as the reference to an existing object.

unshiftref: .ref

Works in the same way as @unshift, but automatically marks the stored value as the reference to an existing object.


This procedure handles the printing of Table objects as a JSON string. The procedure expects a Table formatted like those generated by the procedures in hash.proc.


This procedure handles the printing of Strings objects as a JSON string. The procedure expects a Strings object, ideally one generated by the procedures in [array.proc][strutis].

write_json_start: .type$

Handle the beginning of a JSON object or list.

write_json_end: .type$

Handle the end of a JSON object or list.

write_json_key: .key$

Prints a JSON key.

write_json_val: .val

Prints a JSON numeric value.

write_json_val$: .val$

Prints a JSON string value.

write_json_string: .str$

Print a JSON string


Increase indentation of JSON output


Decrease indentation of JSON output



Remove the current top level object representation, and all internally linked references.


Called internally to remove a hash Table object, and all its internal references.


Called internally to remove a array Strings object, and all its internal references.

json_isReference: .val$

Internal procedure to check whether a given value stores a reference. The check is done by matching agains the current value of the json.id_carat$ variable.


In the same way that the array.proc file in the strutils plugin provides array support using Strings objects as a substitute, these procdures provide conveniency procedures for treating Table objects as hashes.

hash: .key$, .val

Creates a Table object which contains a subset of the strings of an original Strings object. Search query is a literal string. For regular expression matching, use @extractStrings_regex.

The new Strings object will be selected after execution.

keyval: .key$, .val

Insert a numeric key / value pair to the first row in the current hash-like Table.

keyval$: .key$, .val$

Insert a string key / value pair to the first row in the current hash-like Table.

delete: .key$

Delete a key from the current hash-like Table. All the values in that column will be lost.


This file encapsulates all the variables used for encoding and decoding JSON. The variables listed below are shown with their default values. Modifying these can have unexpected consequences.

For JSON input

json.string$ : “””([^””\]|\[””\/bfnrt]|\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})*”””

json.number$ : “[-+]?([1-9][0-9]*(.[0-9]+)?|0(.[0-9]+)?)([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?”

json.true$ : “true”

json.false$ : “false”

json.null$ : “null”

json.object_start$ : “{“

json.object_end$ : “}”

json.array_start$ : “[”

json.array_end$ : “]”

json.max_depth : undefined

For JSON output

json.indent$ : tab$

json.minify : 0

json.precision : undefined

json.undef$ : “null”

json.empty_is_undef : 0

json.ignore_undef : 0

json.empty_lists : 0

json.id_carat$ : “#”